A fresh start can happen any day, but most people get in the mood to turn over a new leaf right around the New Year. Shopping with my son at Costco, he marvelled at the wall of vitamins at the store's entrance.
"That's because everyone wants to get in shape in January," I schooled him. "Look at all the organizational products, too," gesturing towards a display of various plastic bins. I am not immune to this siren's call. I have struggled to conquer my chaotic nature as long as I can remember. Buying day planners and shoe boxes and myriad other organizational tools that might help me get a handle on it. Really, it just takes work and discipline. Every year I get a bit better at it. I am 48 and still working on it, still making progress little by little.
My studio is finally getting properly arranged. The couch that took up way too much space got moved out and my desk moved in. A little more shuffling of furniture and the addition of a cutting table and it will be just right.
This is going to be a great year. I am planning on it.