Pure pleasure is when an oh-oh turns into an a-ha. It is how some of our greatest inventions came to be.
I use a lot of glass beads to make my bamboo tiles bracelets and I buy bead mixes a lot of times because they have colors that cannot be purchased by themselves. Also, they are much cheaper, if you don't factor in the time it takes to sort them into individual colors. Sorting beads is laborious, but kind of zen because it requires absolutely no thought, so I can zone out into my kaleidoscope of a subconscious. Until I get bored, then it's a big PITA again. And sometimes you spill an entire cup of beads that you just sorted, right onto the carpet. Ugh! Or maybe not...when I picked the beads up off the carpet I noticed now much easier it was than when I picked through them on a plastic tray. Off the carpet I could use my fingers, not the tweezers and pliers that I normally use.
No, I did not dump all my beads on the ground. I got out a large tray and covered it with a towel, then I just spread my bead mix out and went to town.
My life just got a lot easier.
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